Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Has it really been a week?!
Sigh. . .That means my baby is one week older! :-(
Somebody, please slow the clock!!!
I am not very good at posting anymore, am I?! During the day I write numerous posts in my head, but they obviously do not make it in the archives. Too busy with homeschooling right now. And as I homeschool, the laundry continues to pile, dishes mount, meals need to be made, and diapers. . well, you gals know all about diapers! :-)
Today was a bit different, and we surprised Troy by showing up at the university to hear him sing. I had quite a time trying to get ready but not do enough to make him suspicious! The minute he shut the front door it was a blur of activity to get all of us dressed, hair combed, breakfast ready, car loaded and out the door in 45 minutes. We surprised him for sure, and I do believe he was glad to have us there. The campus was swarming with people (It's Bible conference week.), and we finally found a spot on the top level of the parking garage which gave me the opportunity to get a beautiful shot of my favorite fountain on the campus. I could sit for hours and gaze at that display of water.
Check back soon, for my brain has been working overtime and dropped me into deep thought mode. I've had extra thoughts swirling around concerning personal legacies, the Easter holiday, homeschooling, motherhood, child rearing, making memories, gratefulness. . . (You're probably ready to run away now, right?! :-) I love to get feedback from other Christian moms (and dads) that are in the same place as I am. So many of you are a big encouragement and load me up with great ideas.
May the rest of your week be profitable!
I understand! Life is so full and lovely, but sometimes I wish for less drama, LOL. Silas was a handsome little man Sunday night in his tux!
I always enjoy your posts. They make my week a little brighter! I am with you on the kids growing up so fast and wanting to be a good parent and all. Sometimes it seems like no matter how hard we try the devil fights even harder to get us down. The enemy knows our weakness and wants to defeat us through those weaknesses but God is bigger and stronger, and thankfully has a lot of patience. I am thankful to be a mother but sometimes the duties of motherhood seem so overwhelming but thank the Lord I have Him to guide me through those rough times!! I don't know how people without God in their lives ever make it! Sorry about the long post, I just had to let my thoughts out. Have a great rest of the week and may your dishes be few, your laundry load lighter and your memories abundant! God Bless, Kayla Hughes
I just LOVE your Pastor :-) I'm sure he has a copy of the dedication message he could give you. I asked for all 3 of our kids and they are in their scrapbooks. As my Daddy says "be sure to keep the saddle on top" Good day!
I hope you are saving all your thoughts to Microsoft Word so you can copy and paste them into your blog sometime in the near future! Looking forward to reading them!
Hey, Martha! I had question for ya! The time is getting closer for me to think about homeschooling (I have done little books with Faith to keep her sharp and thinking, but she is is still 3). But, I was wondering if you use a curiculum, what type, etc. I am asking people questions, because our next income tax may be used for buying my material if I homeschool, which most likely I will. I want to make a wise decision in the schooling so that they get the best. Can you maybe do that post about homeschooling, and what you like about what you do sometime? It would be so helpful to me!
Love you all! Your baby is really growing! I am looking forward to getting Hope dedicated! It is always such a touching service, even when it is another person's child being dedicated. It makes me feel challenged to do my best!
Sorry about the spelling error there!
Martha, Martha--your blogging is still one of the highlights of my week! I've decided that we should never apologize when we slack a bit on posting, because it means we're out there LIVING. :)
BJU looks like it has a very pretty, well-maintained campus. How nice that you could surprise Troy.
Also, it's interesting to see how much Silas looks like a combination of the older brothers. He is growing fast!
I am so glad you stop by, Kayla. Thank you for the kind comments!
Nancy, yes, the campus is gorgeous! They believe in keeping things attractive as they strive to be pleasing to God.
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