Monday, April 30, 2007
A little of Troy's world. . .
to visit with
this guy! :-)
This is the building where Troy spends a good part of his time.
Still seems strange for me to walk in and see his name plate.
Enjoy a few shots of the corner of the
campus where we were visiting.
It's beautiful there. Since Troy has to spend more time there, than at home, at least it looks like a nice place! I like Troy shirt! Tell him I think the color looks very nice on him!
Very nice! I like sculpted bushes, too.
Hi Martha, I'm Nancy's sister-in-law. I believe I've met you once or twice. I loved that you put these pics up of the campus. I've been to BJU a few times to see their Shakespeare plays. They have a beautiful campus.
Hey, so nice of you to let me know you've been sneaking around! It was great to hear from you. BJU does look like a very neat place. Were you tempted to wade out into the fountain?...
What a beautiful campus. I thought Troy was going to school there, but is he working for the school too? I saw his name tag...and am a little confused. =)
Love, Heather
Glad you all can be there. I am glad also Troy can be a part of such an excellent school.
He will bring so much good anywhere that he goes...just from his immersion in such a culture of excellence, let alone his deepened skill and knowledge.
I would never trade my years at SBTS. It did me a world of I am sure BJU is doing for Troy.
HEATHER, Troy is attending classes but is a teaching GA to pay for his education. It was a big miracle that it worked that way!
That is very kind of you, PHIL. He is loving it here and is thriving on his new knowledge!
nice campus!!! Yep, that is how I would like my next house's lawn to look. HA!
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