Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Cyber Awards Night
"Ahem." (Throat clearing time.) "Ladies and gentlemen, it is with sincere gratitude and a queasy stomach that I wish to thank each of you for attending the Nausea Awareness Awards Night. All of you have made a big contribution to me during the last few months of my life, and I appreciate this. To those of you receiving an award, please come to the platform and accept this fine container of goop and bouquet of dead flowers. May you always keep them as a reminder of the misery with which you helped me overcome."
"The first person to be honored this evening is none other than my wonderful husband, Troy." (Clapping, clapping) "His biggest reward tonight is a rather un-nauseated wife!
Thank you, Troy, for always being so understanding and never expecting anything but whining from me during the first twenty weeks of this pregnancy. You were so caring and willing to pick up more of my load. I do not recall you complaining about this new dilemma that was thrown at you."
"You never griped when the kitchen looked like this, and you had to get a search and rescue team to find clean items."
"You never moaned when the laundry room resembled a rummage sale. You willingly dug through the piles to find your clean clothes.

Thanks for making my sneezausea easier to handle."

"The evening wouldn't be complete without mentioning two special boys who suddenly lost their fun-loving, energetic, hard working mama to some gal who spent most of her time in a horizontal position moaning about her belly and head.

The younger was. . .pretty good, although he took advantage of the situation at times. He regained his good standing by putting on puppet shows and other forms of entertainment for his mommy. (The shows were usually in 'French' and had to be interpreted.) Ethan was very sweet about telling me that he was sorry I was sick.

I couldn't have asked for a better seven year old! He jumped right "up to the plate" and tirelessly helped with chores and watched his little brother. Yes, he was so watchful he would even report each time Ethan burped with his mouth open! :-) Seth would watch Ethan in the morning so I could sleep in, make breakfast for both of them, take care of snacks, keep Ethan entertained and help with lots of household chores! I never worried about Ethan with a good big brother like Seth. You are awesome, Buddy." "My dear friend and neighbor, Kim. Where do I start? Having been through some very rough pregnancies herself, Kim was a wonderful ear in which to whine. She understood every bout of nausea! She also offered babysitting services and brought me food on occasion. Thanks, Kim, you are a godsend."
"And we must mention Angie! Doesn't she just look like a fun person?! Being a nurse, she was very faithful with the 'Have you found a doctor question?.' Angie was also thoughtful with phone calls to check and see how I was faring. What a sweet gal. I will always be indebted to the one who introduced me to true nausea medicine that actually works! Thanks for everything, Angie."
"Last of all I would like to mention my dear Mother who due to distance could not be here tonight. She endured every anti-nausea rant I had to spout, the numerous "why do I have to be nauseated?' lines, the tears, the frustrations, the helplessness. . . She is a patient woman. "

"To my cyber friends and family who visited 'the castle' - thanks for all the kind words and prayers. Your comments always helped to cheer me and were a bright spot in a very nauseated world."

"Thank you again for attending! I appreciate your time. Help yourselves to the refreshments provided in the back. Since my appetite is at stake, I chose the menu. Please enjoy the peanut butter crackers, dill pickles, cookie dough, cheese slices and strawberries. Have a pleasant night!"

  posted at 10:55 PM  

At 3:34 AM, Blogger Leanna Pitcher said...

Very neat posting. I'm with you on the nausea. I was very nauseated myself for about 3 or maybe even 4 months when I was pregnant with Lindsey. I was so bad that I could not physically make it through the grocery store etc. because of being so weak and would therefore take advantage of the grocery store electric wheelchairs. I may have looked funny, but at that point it just didn't matter. It was better than walking around the store all hunkered over, weak and nauseated. I am glad you are past those horrible days and now onto the much funner days of drawing closer to the end. The joy of holding a new born baby - what fun!

At 9:10 AM, Blogger Angie D said...

Now THIS sounds like our old Martha! Glad you're starting to feel better. We've been missing your wit in cyberspace...

At 3:36 PM, Blogger Sarah Cook said...

Love it! Loved the pictures of your house... my precious husband has had to rummage through laundry so much, and it seems the more I clean my house, the more my children enjoy getting the stuff back out. My oldest unfolded my folded laundry last night to show us how she "make a table, and roll the clothes." Don't ask?!
My main complaints now that I am about 20 weeks are exhaustion, mood swings, and sciatic pain... the last one is interesting as I limp alot!
I do hope that my children grow up to be as helpful as Seth. He is such a sweet boy.
Guess what?! Big news! I think we are finally getting cell phones!? I almost demand it after Ron's boss called ME at 6 something in the morning (grrr!) and then again later in the morning (another grrr!)... He wanted Ron and I couldn't get ahold of Ron, and the boss was very unkind to me. I cried... I do that alot now if provoked.
Well, I do hope you keep feeling so well... maybe you will feel more up to the house work... I do get my moments of love for housecleaning... if I am rested well.

At 5:01 PM, Blogger Lori said...

Can't say I can sympathize much with you on the nausea, I never had a day of it. So glad that you're feeling back to your old self again, though!

At 9:53 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I think it's so neat how Seth takes good care of Ethan. What a great kid! He seems so responsible - more than most kids his age and I'm sure that's mostly because of great parenting. I've always thought you did a great job with your kids and I'm sure this new baby will be no exception!

At 10:18 PM, Blogger Patty said...

Thought you were starting to feel better by the more frequent post. Love your sense of humor!!

At 12:09 AM, Blogger Constance said...

Loved your post. Glad your feeling better

At 7:40 AM, Blogger Lavy Country said...

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At 7:46 AM, Blogger Lavy Country said...

I was honored to be at such a lovely ceremony. The menu was great. I am so happy that "you" are back.

At 9:36 AM, Blogger Tamra said...

So glad things are going better for you now. Hopefully, the second half of your pregnancy will be much better for you.

At 9:25 AM, Blogger Jody J said...

So does this mean it is all over until delivery? Congratulations!
Delicious food, btw. (At least the cookie dough)

At 2:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

PLEASE PLEASE tell us what the nausea medicine is that actually worked....HELP!!
~I am 8 weeks along & VERY SICK with an un announced pregnancy...standing by with pen and paper S.O.S.!

At 4:14 PM, Blogger Sarah Cook said...

Now this person is making ME curious... I know I am not Martha, but my doctor prescibed me some meds that are safe for pregnancy... I looked for the bottle to tell you what it was, but alas, it is missing!!! Hope I don't need it soon! I would suggest you talk to your OB/GYN, too.

At 9:39 AM, Blogger Martha C said...

Dear Anon,
It is hard to "hide" something when you are turning green all the time! :-) The medicine that my friend was able to give me a sample of was called "Zofran." It was wonderful and kicked the nausea within twenty minutes of taking it.
Hope this helps.


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