Sunday, November 07, 2010
Shamelessly stealing. . .
Well here I am. . .two months down the road finally writing another blog post. . . Thankfully I am not as sleep deprived as I could be with a four month old baby in the house. He is the best baby I have ever had and is a great sleeper. But he is a baby and needs lots of feedings and diaper changes. I never realized how busy I would be when the fourth little prince landed in the castle. So, in honor of one of Silas' favorite book series (If You Give A Pig A Pancake) I'd like to create my very own version using the idea that I shamelessly stole from a fellow blogger.
If you give a Mom a fourth baby,
she'll be a lot busier and won't have much time to blog,
for she will have four boys to keep happy and busy.

she'll suddenly remember that she has loads of laundry to fold.
there'll be a little boy with an attitude.
The Mom has learned that attitudes need guidance,
or they keep getting nastier.
she'll pass by the "basket" and remember there are bills to sort and pay.
The mom and her family will be going to meet some friends,
she will decide to start a new post
suddenly remembers she was going to teach son #2
how to make peanut butter cookies.
And since the Mom has two middle boys who are lively,
she will be worn out on Monday
due to Sunday church going.
Monday becomes a work day for her
while the boys play in the woods and learn about nature.
she will remember that the baby needs to be fed and bathed.

and good smelling babies are the best!
she'll remember that the bathrooms need to be cleaned.
the Mom and her husband occasionally take the four boys on outings.
The Mom decides she needs to blog about it,
but chances are that when she sits down to blog,
And while she's feeding the baby,

the two oldest sons will want her to find something in the I Spy book
because they think the Mom has "the best eyes for finding hidden things."
by reading books, studying animals, spending time in the woods
and even hanging bird feeders.
she will have to stop many times to correct attitudes,
work on potty training,
feed the baby,
change a diaper,
and teach other lessons such as:
"The lid to the turtle sandbox is not a Frisbee -
regardless of how beautifully it sails through the air!"
she will return to the kitchen to find a sink full of dirty dishes
and begin preparing for the next meal.
While cutting veggies,
she will dash to the boys' room to get dirty sheets to wash,
she will dash to the boys' room to get dirty sheets to wash,
but as she passes the hall closet she remembers -
and now the Mom will need to reorganize the closet.
the Mom will begin to make birthday cupcakes and frosting
for a certain three year old.
the Mom will sit on the back porch to have her devotions,
enjoy the beautiful woods,
and watch a certain little boy
(who believes there is a monkey living in the woods
and often disappears to find it)
as the older boys bury their brains in studies.
Chances are that while she is sitting there,
she will realize that -
Since they are outside and getting dirty,
the Mom will go ahead and get the shed swept and ready for winter,
the flower beds cleaned out,
the grass mowed, etc. . .
Meanwhile the Mom will frequently stop to
Meanwhile the Mom will frequently stop to
answer the phone,
check on the laundry,
feed and change the baby,
teach a boy a character lesson,
teach a boy a character lesson,
deal with the two middle boys who tend to
mix like oil and water.
but she is usually too busy to get it on the blog.
head to PA for a few days to visit grandparents.
Sometimes the Mom and her family will take longer trips to
Ohio to see family and friends.
read recipes,
help with meals,
do dishes,
fold and put away laundry,
watch little brothers
all the while she is continually stopping to - - -
feed and change the baby.
crafts, and home studies for the two older boys,
and since all school and no play is -
rather dull,
they will hop in the van and -

Sometimes the Mom and her family will take longer trips to

And each trip will result in more laundry
which is accomplished between
the feedings and diapers.
Sometimes when the Mom will notice how beautiful it is outdoors
Later that evening the Mom will try to sit down and blog,
but the baby will need to be fed and changed.
After that is done,
the other boys will need to be showered and put to bed.
The Mom will clean up the supper meal
and plan for the next day of studying.
She'll get the baby to bed at a late hour so he'll sleep through the night.
The Mom will then spend some time with her husband who is studying
(or writing looong emails to Andrew Graham via Facebook :-).
The Mom will then sit down at the computer to blog about adventures,
but. . .
chances are she'll be too tired to type.
'Cause if you give a Mom a fourth baby,