Here is where most of the studying and computer work is accomplished. It has been wonderful to have a room just for school! I had no other place but this room to place the "diner" table from my Cincinnati kitchen, but it has been handy for projects and extra space. I had plans of redoing these walls yellow but was so tired of painting by the time I did the 1,200 coats of orange (Pardon my exaggeration!), that every fiber in my body was resistant to the thought of changing this room - even if the walls are white. They were in excellent condition, so I decided to leave them plain old white. Sometimes you have to choose your "decorating battles."

Here they are! The Lone Ranger is on the right, and his sidekick is on the left.
They race around this house as fast as the Lone Ranger, and they have captured every "bad guy" in the vicinity!

Monday is art day, so we made fall garlands out of foam pieces. The shapes we used were turkey, leaf, acorn and squirrel. We were in the process of hanging Seth's on the front door when he let go of his end. He had the "privilege" of restringing his.

I made a wonderful discovery - at least for me it was. Chalkboard paint!!! I was so excited to paint my own chalkboard on a wall in the homeschool room. If I ever want to do away with it, I just have to grab new paint and roll over it! It has been a great tool to use in school. The only problem is that it looked so cute I painted another on a different wall. (That one is for notes and reminders.) Maybe I should have painted the bottom half of the boys' room with this - they could write on the walls! I was so enthused I thought I would paint the front of two kitchen cabinets. It would be great for writing a shopping list, menu or recipe. HALT!!!! Troy was not "wondering" about that idea. I think it was closer to panic. "Since there is a good possiblity we may not be in this house for many years, let's not do anything that drastic." How "drastic" can chalkboard paint be?! :-) Sigh. My "real" kitchen - the permanent one that I get when Troy is done with grad school - will have two chalkboard cabinets. (Just thought you would like to know.)

painting with "bold" colors. (At least for a few years anyway.) Out of my list of selections, the boys chose a "basketball bathroom." The next logical step is to go for basketball colored walls. Oops, you are "wondering," aren't you?! :-) I found all kinds of "sporty" and denim things to use. I especially love the chalkboard; it is great for writing notes and instructions. Okay, back to the walls - I grabbed the cheapest basketball colored paint at Lowes. (You should have seen the face of the woman in line next to me! She was "wondering." In fact, she even voiced an opinion about the color. Never mind her. I was making a few boys happy.) The paint gal was telling me I should use a primer. (Sure, you are trying to get me to spend more money.) No primer on the walls for me. I painted the first coat. I then did a second coat. Now I am rethinking the primer decision. I begrudgingly paint a third coat before the walls look nice. I decided to do a "technique" on one wall to make it look like the center of the clock, so it only needed one coat. Otherwise I would have run out of paint. I was already tired of painting by the time I was done with the first room! For the bedroom, I marched back to Lowes, exlpained what happened and did not buy the cheap stuff. The new paint was as thick as oil. I was a good girl and started with primer. Whew! This will be a one coat of orange paint job. Cough. Choke. I sadly painted a second coat of orange following the primer and first orange coat. I begrudgingly painted a third coat of orange and made my blisters worse. A total of four coats reside on the boys' bedroom walls. Grrr. So much for KILZ.

at our house! With boys like Seth and Ethan, I never know what to expect. Parents, be cautious about letting your children watch a documentary on tsunamis. You can imagine the mental picture I had when Seth came out of the bathroom tonight and announced that he had been the "wave that shook the world." (Yikes!) I then announced that he could be the boy that cleaned up the wave, and he was quick to inform me that it was too much for his towel. Yup, it took several towels. Earlier today while Seth and I were diligently working on studies, Ethan took advantage of the cleaning supplies and paper towels. He sprayed, sprayed and sprayed (Did I mention he sprayed?) multi-purpose cleaner all over the coffee table, VCR and his head. I have no idea why he included his head, but I am very thankful for Melaleuca's chemical free cleaners! With all the cleaner abounding in the living room, he needed the whole roll of towels, and I was greeted with an "Ahoy, Mate" as he spied me through the paper towel roll when I rounded the corner.
To all my blogger friends, you need to check out bluebirdblogs to see some artistic talent! Susie has some of the most beautiful and creative work I have seen. Best of all, you can enter to win a free custom template!!!!! I am taking a long shot at this since the only thing I ever have won was a two liter of pop! :-) The only reason I got that was because I accidentally drew my own name! Back to the contest. . .visit http://bluebirdblogs.blogspot.com/ for details on how to enter your own blog. Do it quickly; entries are only accepted until 11:59 EST on Friday the 22nd of September!

I had to put a close-up of the hardest decorating task I have attempted. I bought two thrift store dressers for $15 each, and they were a nasty brown color. To make a long story short, I painted, wallpapered and covered with poly. (The wallpaper is French calligraphy. My cousin, MC Moroney, read my dressers and assured me there was nothing vile on them. You never know with those French people.) The work was tedious at times, but I am so happy with the result. You are not "wondering" are you?! Neither did Troy. :-) He was amazed! One last thing, I have a family member who has two little dressers that would match these. . . You are not allowed to pitch them at any point in your life. Ahem! I still have enough wallpaper to do them, too. I am not pointing fingers, but you know who you are, Kathy Moroney. :-)

This was my "Mom's Diner," and I had so much fun with it. Of all the places I have lived, it was my favorite kitchen. I love the little diner table I bought through eBay! I would put on my apron and serve. . . I miss the red and yellow walls. I never grew tired of them! I also loved all the wall shelves; they were so handy. Make sure you read the sign I made. (It is above the stove.) Another disclaimer - it is really bugging me that I did not straighten the towel. Whew! I feel better now that I have said that. Sigh. . .

Next up - bathroom and living room. I should have included the "Aztec symbols" (as I called them) that I painted along the top of the wall. You are again wondering, correct?! It was different, and I like to be different. Do not feel badly; you were not the first person to "wonder." Troy was. :-) It took a long time for those paintings/markings to grow on him.

Here are two pics of the "Yellow Room" as we called it. It served as dining room on one side and computer/play area on the opposite.

Some of you have been curious as to what our last home was like. Here are a few snapshots for your enjoyment. This set has our bedrooms.

This was taken a day or two after we moved here. It cracked me up to see Ethan all stretched out like this.

This is what you get when you tell Ethan to "paint with water." This picture redefines dripping wet!

Last Monday, Ethan surprised me with the revelation that he had the dreaded flu bug. Consequently I also ended up with a dose of it! By mid-Wednesday I had to call Troy and moan that I needed help. The kids were outside in the rain, and I had no strength to take care of them. (Can you imagine boys wanting to be outside in the rain?!) Troy kindly called the pharmacy and told them he would not be there, picked up some supper, brought me these flowers and did a wonderful job of taking care of me. Thanks, Honey!

While we were "attacking" the jungle in our backyard, a rock "attacked" our patio door. Lovely! It kept making crackling noises for days, and Ernesto's winds finally sent it crashing to the ground. I am still cleaning up this window!